Latest News | Nuclear Bombers on the Border: Russia's latest show of force | #shorts #news

1 year ago

Latest News | Nuclear Bombers on the Border: Russia's latest show of force | #shorts #news

Satellite images from an independent Norwegian fact-checking website have shown that Russia has deployed 11 nuclear-capable long-range bombers at an airbase close to neighbouring Norway, which is a NATO member. Seven Tu-160s and four Tu-95 planes have reportedly been parked at the Olenya Air Base, as per pictures released by The number of Tu-160s parked there has steadily increased.

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#Russia #Norway #NATO #Tu-160 #Tu-95 #OlenyaAirBase #shortsnews #shorts

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-What are the consequences of Russia deploying nuclear-capable long-range bombers close to Norway?
-How many Tu-160s and Tu-95s have been deployed to the Olenya Air Base?
-What is the significance of the Olenya Air Base?

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