Vegans Be Like:

2 years ago

"My first video on this channel, if this video goes viral, then I guess we shall see how I react when that happens." - Me, 8/10/2022, 2:13pm.

Subscribe to the Channel to get more memes like this, while liking this video and sharing it to Chads like yourself.

*Message to Youtube/Rumble: Do not do anything to harm my piece of art, for it speaks for the people, the people who have been forced to be silent in order not to gain the status of cancellation. I am the one who knocks, the one who knocks out my opponents through the destruction that can be voice recorded from my mouth, ayo, I am the Enjoyer, I am on the Grindset. Nothing can withstand the power that comes from thy brain for thou shalt not disagree with thee, but give grace for thy memes that result in the evil one(Zucky Boi) being casted away from our these lands(my❌ our✅ youtube channel(Ayo?☭). Wait.... what does Zuck even have to do with Youtube/Rumble?......

Link to my youtube channel:

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