TX Sheriff Abusing System to Get Martha’s Vineyard Illegals Legal Status and a Path to Citizenship

1 year ago

The Democrat Texas sheriff that has vowed to take down Ron DeSantis for exposing his party’s hypocrisy by shipping illegals to Martha’s Vineyard has decided to abuse the system so that he and they can virtue signal. Even though there was no crime, which we have statements from the illegals to back this, he is claiming that they are victims of one perpetrated by DeSantis. He has done this in order to get them special status, visas to stay in the country and be able to work, along with a path to citizenship. Which the whole basis for the sheriff doing this is that DeSantis supposedly lied to them and committed fraud because the residents of Martha’s Vineyard are virtue signaling, lying, sacks of shit who don’t practice what they preach. They are the ones after all who claimed they take in all illegals with being a sanctuary city and instead sent in armed troops to round them up and get them off the island.

In this video we take a look these illegals and our immigration system being used and abused by the Democrats and this sheriff in order to try to stick it to Ron DeSantis

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