Why do people think it’s so wrong to check out cleavage or butt when they seem obviously displayed?

1 year ago

Why do people think it’s so wrong to check out cleavage or butt when they seem obviously displayed?
Looking is probably unavoidable, but when someone is talking to your chest, and you need to go “my eyes are up here”, it’s a problem.
A quick glance isn't wrong, staring is.
I think as long as you aren’t drooling over them or being obviously creepy/bugging the woman about it a quick look and appreciation is fine
I avoid looking directly at people when possible because I'm afraid of making someone uncomfortable or making something think I'm creepy.
I follow the Seinfeld rule. You think of cleavage or butt like the sun. You take a quick peak, then you look away. Never stare, otherwise you burn your eyes. LOL
You gotta keep in mind though that for some women it is way harder to try and hide boobs. I'm a D cup and most shirts just don't fit me properly or look awkward like im trying to show them off when I'm. Shirts that aren't meant to show cleavage will for me. I don't mind people looking but sometimes I get comments of "why are you wearing *that* and it's like well because I didn't feel like wearing an XL baggy tee and this is all I got.
My 2 cents is that some people don't choose to display them. Most women with larger cup sizes struggle with finding correctly fitting tops that don't put the girls on prominent display. It's not by choice, it's just trying to get shirts they like and then dealing with the cleavage that comes with it.
For me the issue is creeps, not women’s clothing. I have worn crop tops, short skirts, and fishnets without any issues or comments. I have also worn long dress pants, an ugly shirt, and an apron, and been looked at like a prey item. getting checked out as the former was a confidence boost so long as the people I came across were friendly, but the latter has made me have moments where I’ve wished I was wearing butt pads so I could remove them/the unwanted eyeballs
Peek is fine, staring can be uncomfy

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