Nature Sounds of Forest with Music " The Healing Power of Nature "-Relaxation -Meditation- Sleep

1 year ago

A walk in the woods—or even a sound machine that plays recordings from nature—can affect heart rate and alter connections in the brain

You already knew that getting outside to breathe a bit of fresh air and take in the sunshine is good for your soul, but as one researcher recently found, getting outside to listen to Mother Nature can actually help heal your body too.

It's good for alleviating stress and just a wide variety of benefits that we saw from alleviating pain to improving mood and cognitive ability...I think it's really remarkable, not only that natural sounds confer these health benefits, but also the variety of health benefits."
Listening to natural sounds reduces stress, reduces annoyance and it's correlated with positive health benefits."
I would strongly encourage people to take a moment to stop and listen. Experience the benefits of sound. I think it's something we often overlook and take for granted," Wittemyer said. "We should be protecting them. We should be protecting the natural soundscape and ensure that we don't inundate it with noise

Nature Sounds of Forest with Music " The Healing Power of Nature "-Relaxation -Meditation- Sleep

The healing powers of the sounds of nature. The chirping of birds, the leaves whistling in the breeze and the slight hum in the air can all do wonders to the human body, both physically and mentally. The problem with being holed inside one’s room is the physical lethargy and that combined with the stress of work from home has definitely led to a drop in motivation.

1. It boosts your morale
Stepping outside for a couple of minutes can help boost your mood. Nature’s sounds have been proven to heal the human body and restore its natural balanced state. In moments of stress, most of us seek out sounds of nature such as waves, rivers ebbing and flowing and wind gushing across our faces in hopes of gaining peace and calmness.

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Ever since we’ve been under lockdown, most of us have missed being amidst nature. Granted, we may have made a few trips outside to buy essentials, but just the ability to walk carefree and be at one with nature is something I’m sure we all crave for currently.

But what’s truly being missed is the healing powers of the sounds of nature. The chirping of birds, the leaves whistling in the breeze and the slight hum in the air can all do wonders to the human body, both physically and mentally. The problem with being holed inside one’s room is the physical lethargy and that combined with the stress of work from home has definitely led to a drop in motivation.

On the occasion of World Music Day, here are a few healing powers of the sounds of nature:

1. It boosts your morale
Stepping outside for a couple of minutes can help boost your mood. Nature’s sounds have been proven to heal the human body and restore its natural balanced state. In moments of stress, most of us seek out sounds of nature such as waves, rivers ebbing and flowing and wind gushing across our faces in hopes of gaining peace and calmness.

2. It helps you stay in the moment
Taking a break from your daily indoor routine and spending some time in the outdoors allows you to focus on the present. Connecting with nature will let you soak in the beauty of nature, with the various sounds that surround you, and which you might not have noticed in a while. Collecting your thoughts while on a stroll will help you refresh and recharge for your upcoming week.

3. It makes you kinder

Research has shown that when exposed to nature, people are more empathetic and tend to feel more generous, socially conscious and more connected to their community. Even if not amidst nature, listening to videos featuring various natural sounds helps calm the mind and reminds individuals of basic values like generosity and care.

4. It makes you appreciative of the world
According to research, being amidst nature can cause individuals to feel less entitled, more supportive and an increased desire to help those in need. It has been found that people living in cities with of a lot of open, green space were more likely to have better health and a sense of purpose too.


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