Joe Biden Prez + John Fetterman VP = Democrat Dream Ticket for 2024

1 year ago

If Both Biden & Fetterman are of Sound Mind, Why Not a Joe/John Ticket?

In the same way a perfect border is like Swiss cheese and an ideal economy is constantly collapsing, a mentally incompetent Prez & VP ticket is a Democrat marriage made in heaven. Why, you ask? Because mentally broken, brain damaged candidates, like Joe & John, offer an endless chance to insert doctrinaire Marxist, crazy far-leftism from the cabal of secret fixers that a normal politician would never accept since it would fail so badly.

But the idea that all representatives must vote the party position is made flesh by brain compromised politicos like Joe & John. Competency literally doesn’t matter. The question, Who is the most brain damaged? -- cannot be easily answered.

But PA voters can now elect a younger Biden, a stroke victim like Joe, named John Fetterman. His brain is so scrambled he can no longer differentiate between steak and eggs, Karl or Grouch Marx, or darkness versus light. Now, if we can only get an explanation of his “Brahma Bull” back of neck hump!

Two Hopelessly Brain Damaged Candidates are a Liberal Fantasy Marriage

The fact that outraged Democrats can now ask with a straight face, “Why are you abusing this poor stroke survivor by demanding he prove competency?!!,” reveals how bad off we really are. Americans are now so abused by our failed education, that we will support any conclusion so long as it's put into the right format.

That’s why kids now receive sex change medicine before puberty while the left rages at the insanity of any criticism -- as if it were an attack against the quest for a cure for cancer. And politics is so failed now there is no minimum standard, anyway.

Now, the interview of Fetterman, a few days ago, should have been an easy cakewalk where a compliant media spoon-feeds John and allows him to respond with baby-talk answers. For example, Fetterman was allowed to use his special computer program that turns speech into text so he can read it and answer -- a tremendous advantage.

Fetterman Needs a Computer Program to Hear, But His Problems areDeeper

But instead of playing along with the plot of feeding by hand the caged bear, insouciant reporter, Dasha Burns, actually had the temerity to report the facts. Burns stated it wasn’t clear whether John could understand the small talk. John admitted he “sometimes will hear things in a way that’s not perfectly clear.”

The left raged at the suggestion, despite the fact Burns merely confirmed what had been previously reported -- that Fetterman could not communicate without his tech crutch. Burns had the first one-on-one interview with Fetterman since his stroke, commenting how different it was from the one in May.

Media gathered in hand-wringing crisis-mode to attack the intrepid Burns. Kara Swisher tweeted she spent an hour with Fetterman, who was fine. Ergo, Burn’s observations were “nonsense.” Swisher used her own stroke to gauge John.

Yet, Swisher, wannabe Dem SF mayor, flashes bias with pique, strategizing her wife and children’s rights against GOP menace -- like a mama bear defending a wounded cub. But Swisher’s claims are bald hokum. For Fetterman’s machine is proof of inability to understand normal speech.

Many other “public intellectuals” (aka Socialists) spontaneously share medical opinions on “Stroke Side-Effects.” Overall, it’s dedicated liberals typically feign guileless non-bias, then bloodily attack conservatives.

If Dems Like Joe & John’s Competency, Why Not Double Down w/ a Presidential Ticket?

Now, a new angle arises as demand for “handicapped politicians” erupts. Pundits treat Fetterman’s problems as being just auditory. But, consider… “And the Eagles are so much better than…Eagles,” forgetting to insert the Steelers.The left raises the “rights” of handicapped to serve in office.

But even Vox admits, “Several stroke rehabilitation experts told me it’s impossible to assess from afar whether Fetterman will be able to successfully complete the functions of being a US senator.” So WHY must Fetterman be given the chance to serve in the Senate, just in case he might not be too mentall crippled?

But the real scandal here is not just obese stroke victim Fetterman and his inability to respond to verbal statements. Instead, it’s his wildly leftist beliefs which will further destroy America’s character with his mindless socialism. When asked by Dasha if he will need closed captioning on the Senate floor, he states, “No. I think I’m gonna get better and better every day…and by January I’m gonna be much better.” That’s just a silly lie, as he could be worse for all he knows.

Joe Biden has become a symbol of incompetence, fatuousness, ego, malice, guided failure and dementia. Can John Fetterman live up to this image? One has to assume, given the fact that even Joe can sometimes understand conversation and respond, that Fetterman must be somehow worse.

But if the Democrats, in their insane detachment from reality, want to prove how mentally fit both Biden and Fetterman are, why not run them both on the same ticket? Perhaps reality will reemerge then, as they keep doubling down into an infinite regress.

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