Silly Gavin Newsom Ad - Newsom is a Tyrant and Nero, Napoleon Wannabe. California Lost Cause.

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1 year ago

Of course with the election coming up, all those silly ads coming into fruition including this silly one from Gavin's campaign. What exactly has he protected? Constant attacks on speech, gun rights, medical freedom and so much more. Demanding we turn off our air conditioning units while he stays warm with his anorak jacket among all else? Gavin isn't moving California towards anything foward and the freaks who defend him obviously are corrupt assholes like him and are getting loads of royalty checks via whatever source. Pro choice but then he, the LA County board of supervisors and several other entities still want to forcibly inject the populace with experimental drugs and of course the bullshit from Scott Weiner and allowing 24 year olds to have sex with 14 year olds. Not to mention attempted to vote buying with those inflation checks which is in vain because anyone knows he already has this election in the bag. California and other areas are complete lost causes, filled to the bone with sheep, lemmings, zombies, NPCs, mindless robots and collectivist ninnies that crave subservience, view themselves very lowly and enjoy being paraded around like mindless, order following foot soldiers with absolutely no independent thought or free will whatsoever. Straight out of a sci fi drama. All these demagogues can literally insider trade, flout their own guidelines among other stuff right in the faces of the masses and right out in the conspicious open and lame excuses are still made and whatever in attempting to justify the rules for thee, not for me stance along with the do as I say, not as I do stance and why many will still never take things like Climate Change or whatever seriously. They've been saying this shit for how many years now? Nothing more than a bunch of doomsday chanting neurotics that regurgitate everything from the TV and other sources that are thrown at them. The my body, my choice thing rings so hollow now when these same people supported and still support forcibly injecting people with experimental drugs or lose everything. It's amazing and upsetting what little self respect grown adults have. And we make fun of kids and younger folk who still believe in Santa Claus and eccentric explorers with wandering imaginations who still believe in the legends of Bigfoot and The Abominable Snowman yet we have fully grown adults who insist that by giving more money and paying more in taxes to the government and various other entities in the form of things like a carbon tax or whatever will somehow bestow upon them, the ability to control the weather, weather patterns and whatnot when nobody can do the following. Not to mention grown adults who think the media would never mislead them or whatever when they constantly do so for ratings, money and more among so much more that can be named off. Then the Alex Jones silliness where anti gunners are saying that his lawsuit losses aren't enough. So Jones has to pay all that because he said some mean things which are merely rantings from some guy in Texas who's been doing these things for decades now but no fines for all the bilge coming from the media, Fraudci, Walensky, Biden and them who constantly lied about the Covid shot and so much more? It's all a complete, dysfunctional, three ring circus and doesn't make any sense but whatever.

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