Re 8 lady dimitrescu boss fight

1 year ago

As you explore Castle Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village, Lady Dimitrescu is an
ominous (though strangely attractive) woman. She is a force to be reckoned with
since she seems to materialise out of nowhere and never stop looking for you. Once
you uncover the four masks secreted throughout Castle Dimitrescu and manage to
escape, you will have to contend with her.
When leaving the castle, you should make sure you have enough ammunition and
any healing items you might have access to as you approach the Lady Dimitrescu
boss encounter. Remember to look at your crafting options to see what materials you
have on hand. Stocking up on shotgun and sniper rifle ammo is advised for this
encounter, but don't discount the usefulness of an improved weapon.
Battle Against Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village
She will change into a hideous winged creature that will fly about you and strike with
claws and teeth as the Lady Dimitrescu boss battle starts. Take out your sniper rifle
and wait for a clear shot at her body atop the beast because she can move
erratically. With her flying around and the rifle's inherent wobble, this is difficult, but
each shot you make will give out a lot of damage. Your shotgun will also function just
fine in this situation if you don't have any sniper rifle ammo or if you want to save it
for later in the war.
Lady Dimitrescu will soar about the tower at a distance once you have dealt her
enough damage in the boss encounter before swooping in to attack you again. She
will ultimately stop moving as she soars and you can follow her for a while. Use this
chance to fire more sniper rifle shots at her or fire a pistol at her. The shotgun won't
be particularly useful at this distance.
Once she has sustained enough damage, she will smash into the central tower,
bringing down the wall and providing you with a brief window of opportunity to flee up
the stairs.
You'll find two vases at the top of these stairs filled with ammunition for shotguns and
handguns. Reload your weapons before the next phase of the battle by gathering
these goods.
You will be followed by Lady Dimitrescu, and the conflict will be similar to what you
have already experienced. Use your shotgun or sniper rifle to unload on her while
attempting to maintain a safe distance. Be careful to dodge her assaults as she can
rush at you with those razor-sharp teeth. After a while, the boss battle against Lady
Dimitrescu will be over if you continue to fire a barrage of shots at her torso.

Gather Crystal Dimitrescu and the Dirty Flask.
In Resident Evil Village, if you ultimately beat Lady Dimitrescu, she will turn to crystal
just like her daughters, who you had already defeated. Before leaving the tower, get
the Crystal Dimitrescu, which the Duke will buy for 25,000 Lei. Next, get the Dirty
Flask item. You've successfully beaten the first significant Resident Evil Village boss

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