Uncensored Church #2: The Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles

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“We own the science”

~Melissa Fleming, UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications

"They came from above, and taught mankind sciences, civilization, technology – and also Sin. Lots of Sin – so much Sin, that God chose to start anew with Noah using the Great Flood. They founded great globe spanning empires through their giant, evil man-eating Nephilim offspring, such as Atlantis founded by Atlas the Titan. They taught mankind other things, too – forbidden things, like sorcery, witchcraft, and human blood sacrifice – especially that of babies.

These fallen angels created the false pagan religions of the pre-flood world, which worshipped them as the “Civilization Heroes” for bringing these poisoned gifts to mankind, and considered their Nephilim giant offspring as Gods."

Are the Watchers free again? The last time they came to earth, It only took a few hundred years for them to corrupt everything on Earth so badly that it prompted God to flood the world for a “great reset.” In the end, only Noah and his immediate family (And his sons Nephilim wives… that’s another story that explains post flood giants even after these fallen angels were imprisoned.)

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