in Russia, there is a flash mob to set fire to military police stations. This time in the city of

1 year ago

Today, the movement of an echelon with military equipment in the direction of Orsha was recorded in the Mogilev region, later this echelon was spotted already on its way to the Russian Federation. At least 22 T-72A tanks were seen in the echelon. They were most likely taken out of storage from the 969th tank reserve base near Minsk. In the current week alone, Lukashenka's regime has handed over no less than 67 T-72A tanks and no less than 28 Ural trucks to the Russian Federation. All this suggests that Lukashenko is trying to pay off Putin, who is intensively pushing Belarus to enter the war, with equipment. @10/15/2022 6:44:15 AM (with English subtitle)

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