Why The Covid "vaccine" Causes Health Problems Or Death

1 year ago

The spike protein in the "vaccine" elicits an enate immune system response.

This means the covid-19 "vaccine" causes INFLAMATION!

The can cause various health problem and/or death.

People who have chronic health problems are at much higher risk for adverse reactions from the covid-19 JAB.

People who don't have chronic health problems are at risk also.

I was in a grocery store in a checkout lane next to an instore pharmacy with chairs for people who get injections from the pharmacy.

While checking out I looked at the man sitting in the chair who had just got a Jab.

The lady who gave the Jab was giving him and his wife an intense talk of some kind.

She was doing a tremendous amount amout of "splaining" to her victims about the covid-19 Jab.

I heard no mention of the dangerous or risks of the UNTESTED covid-19 "vaccine".

I only hear glowing and reasurring words about the Jab.

She reminded me of a time share salesman who had just made a sale and will telling the victims a bunch of BULL!

https://captainconvey.com (See post dated 10/15/2022)

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