Two-State Solution: Is it the Antichrist’s Plan for Israel? (#14)

2 years ago

#twostatesolution, #antichrist, #israel, #nucleararmageddon, #armageddon, #battlereadynetwork, #frontline, #themilitaryguidetodisarmingdeception, #davidjgiammona, #troyanderson, #deception, #spiritualwarfare, #pastorcoco,, #frontlineshow

In this video, FrontLine hosts Col. David Giammona, Troy Anderson and Pastor Coco Perez discuss the "Two-State Solution: Is it the Antichrist’s Plan for Israel? " and Giammona and Andersons's new #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy's Lies and Triumph in Truth (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group, August 9, 2022).

This video is brought by Prophecy Investigators, founded by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and bestselling author Troy Anderson. Visit the websites below to find out more.

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Prophecy Investigators is a news magazine featuring articles, videos and in-depth investigative stories exploring current events and biblical prophecies.

The Founder and Editor in Chief is Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling author of The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse, The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, Vice President of Battle Ready Ministries, Executive Editor of The Return International, and former Executive Editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and Reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News.

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歡迎來到 Battle Ready Network 上的 FrontLine 節目,主持人是大衛·賈莫納(David Giammona)上校、普利策獎提名調查記者兼預言調查員創始人特洛伊·安德森 (Troy Anderson) 和地平線教堂(Horizo​​n Church)牧師可可·佩雷斯(Coco Perez)。在節目中,賈莫納、安德森和佩雷斯討論了兩國解決方案:是敵基督者對以色列的計劃嗎?以及 賈莫納和安德森的新暢銷書《解除欺騙的軍事指南:揭露敵人謊言和勝利的戰場戰術》(Chosen Books/貝克出版集團,2022 年 8 月 9 日)。

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特洛伊.安德森(Troy Anderson):

該視頻由 特洛伊.安德森 (Troy Anderson) 創立的預言調查員 (Prophecy Investigators) 帶來。

預言調查員(Prophecy Investigators) 是一本以文章、視頻和深入調查故事為特色的新聞雜誌,探索時事和聖經預言。在我們的主要網站預言調查員 (Prophecy Investigators): 上了解更多信息, 訂閱 Prophecy Investigators 的新聞。歡迎您前來預言調查員通訊(Prophecy Investigators’ News): 註冊免費試用訂閱預言調查員(Prophecy Investigators)的新聞。

創始人兼總編輯特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson)是普利策獎提名的調查記者,暢銷書《巴比倫法典》、《特朗普啟示錄》、《世界末日軍事指南》和《解除欺騙的軍事指南》,戰備事工(Battle Ready Ministries) 副總裁,《巴比倫法典回歸》, 回歸國際 (Return International) 執行編輯,前任 魅力(Charisma) 雜誌執行主編,魅力媒體(Charisma Media)和《洛杉磯每日新聞》記者。

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