" Pulsation Light observed in the Southerly direction " reported by Eyewitness in Mississippi

2 years ago

Saucier, MS, US

Eyewitness Statement:

While taken my dog out at around 0254 on the morning of 8/21/22 I decided to grab my SiOnyx Aurora night vision camera and do a little star gazing while I waited on my dog Clyde to do his thing. As I looked toward the South in the night sky I noticed a white stationary light pulsation/flashing. This object continued to emitted a white strobe type light for a little over a minute before stopping. This item was stationary the whole time. Not sure what it was as it made no sound and was to far off to identified. I am a retired Military member and have worked and observed all types of aircraft and this was not an aircraft that I am familiar with as it showed no type of FAA required lighting and was not moving in any direction. I don't believe it was any type of Helicopter as again no type of navigational lighting was observed. I have attached a video of what I saw.

Source Link:


My Thoughts:

This isn't the first time I've seen something like this being picked up on camera as I've actually seen quite a few over the last three years, filmed by my buddy Jason Suraci. These have been captured in Colorado and Nevada by him. What are they? We aren't sure. We assume they could likely be deep space satellites that are likely top secret stuff, however they could be something else entirely as well. While doing research into flashing satellites, one will come across the knowledge and detail of something called solar flashing. This accounts for stuff that are reported as pulse flashes or acknowledgements to being observed, when really, all they are - are satellites in an orbit, being captured on camera, and when the solar flash happens, it's the sun, reflecting off of the satellite panels or the satellite itself, causing the entire thing to light up a lot brighter then previous. Another thing was released in the sky within the last few years and it's a satellite that will light up brightly as it snaps pictures of our planet. It's main function is to do just that - to travel around flashing like a beacon, and is visible to the naked eye while observing it. The final thing that I can think of when it comes to flashing, is that a planet is blowing up. That may account for one off flashes in the sky. I know I know, super far fetched but entirely plausible if you have an open mind.

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