Thailand only attracts CULTURE LOVERS? 🇹🇭

1 year ago

Thailand is mulling longer opening hours of café’s and nightlife for the upcoming high season later this year. This as Covid-19 cases are currently manageable and Thailand needs the money tourists bring in sooner than later.

Remarkably enough, a number of doctors in the country have now stated that longer opening hours – up to four AM, so basically without any limitations – are not desired and not needed. The first argument given is a proper one; longer opening hours will cause more alcohol consumption thus more road accidents and crime.

It’s the main argument however that doesn’t make any apparent sense; tourists visiting Thailand would mainly go there for a cultural experience and visit traditional temples, beaches and other sites of interest. They apparently didn’t get the memo about the fact that Thailand is probably more well-known for it’s abundant night-life? And did the tourists get the memo? Well, not all of them, that’s for sure!

#Thailand #tourism #culture

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Prominent Thai doctors against extended nightlife closing times, claim tourists don’t come to Thailand to party but for beaches and temples

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Thailand reopening, Thailand tourism, nightlife opening, nightlife open, Thailand nightlife, nightlife tourism, Thailand nightlife tourism,

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