The 7 year tribulation will begin if you want it to or not

2 years ago

God has had enough of the lukewarm phony church people and pastors and they are spit out of His mouth!! You say I am rich I lack nothing but fact is you are wretched, pitiful, blind and naked, Jesus hates lukewarm faith that acts like they are following Jesus by going to church and then doing whatever they want, at work they are laughing at the wordly jokes, sleeping around with another man or woman, they go to sodomite parades, support abortion, get the vaccine, wear a mask and say do not judge us!; Lukewarm get off the fence and follow Jesus or the antichrist!! And all the wicked will suffer God wrath and will not escape at all, those who got the vaccines are slaves of the antichrist and Jesus will cut them all down and they are not forgiven ever, you cross the line when you get the vaccines, it changes your DNA and you belong to the antichrist and Satan forever, that is what Satan wants, to be worshipped and people are dumb and just get the vaccines and do not care what happens to them but oh they will, all 7 Bowl judgements are reserved for those who got the vaccines!! To punish all the antichrist followers for how they will kill tribulation saints and will suffer God anger!! And deserve it, God will unleash His wrath on the entire world and will not stop until the tribulation ends and the antichrist, false prophet, wicked and everyone who worships the antichrist are crushed and destroyed, Jesus wins and those who got the vaccines are losers now and lost, they are beyond forgiveness now and walking dead!!! The games are over

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