Three Secrets For Remaining Highly Employable In Any Marketplace

1 year ago


Are you struggling to find your next opportunity in this economy? With these skills, find the career opportunity you want rather than suffer. Three steps help you secure new employment or clients while positioning yourself as a high-value candidate.

Stop worrying about layoffs, downsizing, and outsourcing. Become a person with communication and influence skills to attract top-paying opportunities. Are you ready to make your work more fulfilling?

If resumes got people jobs, then everyone would have one. Today it takes more to cultivate, identify, and maintain meaningful relationships. Hiring managers do more to hide from the onslaught of unqualified candidates.

This method works for senior-level employees and independent consultants. You'll find nuggets you can put in place right away. What have you seen work in your career development? Be sure to comment below.

Many top-paid individuals fear daily news cycles of recession, layoffs, and corporate closures. Insulate yourself from these natural cycles with a strategic relationship approach.

Finally, attract opportunities you want while influencing those who can hire you. Free resources that build powerful relationship skills at

If I could offer an encouraging word, it would be, "Those who ask in the right way get what is right for them." I'm looking forward to hearing of your success!

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