Channeled session with Halcyon — FEAR

1 year ago

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This afternoon I took a long walk and for most of the 4.5 miles I kept feeling like someone wanted to do a quick session today. I suspected it was my main guide (of the Council of 7), Halcyon, and...sure enough...yep! The brief channeling that occurred despite my total exhaustion (haven't slept in eons and am dealing with a lot of stress...not to mention the long walk after working earlier in the day with a 78 miles commute) was fittingly about fear. I've been in total panic for the past year as I watched not only my 401K and small Roth IRA disappear in the tanking stock market, but also most of my other life savings (emergency money) that was in the 6 figures in August of 2021. My cash has always been my version of Linus' blanket. It made me feel safe, and now at almost 56 (my birthday is on the 20th) it's possible it's all gone. I don't have decades to rebuild hundreds of thousands of dollars. And, I won't inherit money. I might win the lottery, but that should not be my retirement plan. Anyway, I've been very scared...up until quite recently. The past week or so, there is this weird calmness. There has been this knowing that I'm going to be okay. I felt strongly that one of my unseen friends was trying to sooth my worries (which don't help the insomnia any). Today convinced me that, yep, I'm going to be okay. I've not been imagining that my peeps "up there" are watching out for me. And, as Halcyon says in this one can TRULY be hurt. Yes, while in these 3D bodies, we can go through hell, but our ultimate essence...our soul...cannot be destroyed.

For those who don't know, usually each of us has a group of 7 spirit guides with one being the main leader. When I saw them during a life-between-life regression years ago, they all sat around a crescent moon shaped table with Halcyon in the middle. In Spiritualism, I was taught that we have our life-long spirit guides and then sometimes other guides will show up for brief periods to assist with very specific issues. I'll call them "specialist guides".

Okay, so I'm looking up the hats thing regarding various religions and the reason for the small hats differs depending on the religion. It's interesting though.

And...drink lots of water! :-)

Fearless in Santa Fe,


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