The Perfect House (Horror Anthology)

1 year ago

The Perfect House
This horror anthology is an homage to horror with 3 vignettes about previous homeowners of one evil house each set and styled after a specific period of horror. The Storm is a classic 60’s, Hitchcock inspired story about dark secrets unraveling while a family rides out a storm in their basement. John Doesy is an 80’s inspired slasher about the ultimate American Serial Killer. Finally, Bad Neighbors, is a modern, over-the-top story about unbridled retribution for a long lost weedwacker that was lent to the inconsiderate family next door.

Starring: Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Jonathan Tiersten (Sleepaway Camp), Monique Parent, John Philbin (Point Break) and Raab Himself (Jackass)

The Storm
The Storm is a classic 60’s, Hitchcock inspired story about dark secrets unraveling while a family rides out a storm in their basement. This horror short was inspired by the era of black and white, suspense driven, off-camera violence style of horror.

John Doesy - An American Serial Killer
Inspired by classic 80’s Slashers, John Doesy is the ultimate serial killer executing his eccentric routine with ruthless precision. This horror short features dark human, one-liners, gut wrenching violence and practical effects like our favorite horror movies from the 80’s.

Bad Neighbors
This horror short is set in modern times and has an icy cold, psychological impact. Its revenge porn for the fed up neighbor who seeks to exact a little just dessert on the inconsiderate family next door over a long ago borrowed weedwacker that was never returned.

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