Ukrainian military in the south has already shot down 147 enemy drones #dronewar

1 year ago

The current Ukrainian military operations in the south are going well. In fighting for Ukrainian land in the south, our soldiers have 147 drone enemy aircraft down while taking 34 hits. A: It's difficult to offer an unqualified answer. First of all, a paraphrase needs to be very close. This can then be finally a matter of personal and group taste. All people then develop a connection to their own inner voices, and to what they consider correctly formulated language. And of course acting is something people do quite soon - if confirmed they would be bored to find the oral narrative of the others. That said, these three options are the ones I see as most important (and most often continuously used): keep the order; present amida in the proper mood for the sentence; deviate somewhat from grammatical rule. The order

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