Beware of the Phrase "Salt and Light"

2 years ago

Hey brothers and sisters. This is an updated and revised version of the “salt and light” compilation I put out a few months ago, including more than twice as many examples of false light teachers using the phrase “salt and light” in a political/dominionist concept, further showing just how widespread this twisting of Scripture is being used to further the false light deception. We need to understand the vocabulary of the enemy in order to help us steer clear of it and warn others about it.

Below I have included my commentary from the original video (in which I explain the proper biblical interpretation of ‘salt and light’). But first, just a couple points about Matthew Trewhella, who is featured in this compilation. Trewhella is helping to popularize what’s called “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates,” a manmade “doctrine” that’s being used as a phony “biblical justification” for Christian resistance to tyranny. He is a very spiritually dangerous man. Jeff Durbin has called him a mentor of his, and he has been on David Fiorazo’s podcast many times (another reason why Joe and Chad of Good Fight Ministries are in serious error for promoting Fiorazo, because they are acting as a bridge to spiritual poison – much more on that to come soon). Trewhella is among those “who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of GAIN” (1 Timothy 6:5) – “gain” in this case being political freedom and praise from men. Notice at the beginning of his clip how Trewhella engages in judgement of the outside world, calling atheists “weak” and “pathetic.” The reality is, he is the weak and pathetic one. He is a deceived wolf leading many astray from “sincere and pure devotion to Christ,” just as the serpent led Eve astray (2 Corinthians 11:3). He is too afraid to die to himself and give up his hope for freedom in a world he should feel no attachment to whatsoever. And out of fear, he is calling for others to join him in a collective resistance to tyranny, which is exactly what the Beast of Revelation 13 will lead the world into.


In her recent video with Kirk Cameron, conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey used the phrase “salt and light” to motivate Christians to go and vote for Christian candidates. This stuck out to me because in my research over the past several months, I’ve noticed this is one of the many “watchwords” of the dominionist movement, which Allie Beth Stuckey is now using without realizing what she’s taking part in.

As I show in this compilation clip, dominionists like Lance Wallnau, Johnny Enlow, Jeff Durbin, Tim Sheets, Michael Brown, and others constantly speak of Christians being “salt and light” in the context of being involved in politics and conquering the “seven mountains of culture.” They twist this biblical reference to show that Christians must be political and conquer society. That’s what being “salt and light” means to them. Yes, the idea of being salt and light comes from the Bible – but so does “light and love,” and many of us know and recognize that this is a New Age phrase. Just because it comes from the Bible doesn’t mean it’s being used in a truly biblical way.

Being salt and light has nothing to do with Christians voting, being political, or seeking the domination of culture. Being salt and light is simply about walking in holiness and righteousness in our personal lives, and about prolonging the decay of this fallen world by our mere presence. When he was in Sodom, Lot did not “change the culture” of Sodom. He was salt and light in the fact that he was not becoming partners with them in their works of darkness, and by his presence he prolonged it’s judgement.

Christ says that being light means to produce good works – that is, fruit. This pertains to personal righteousness, not political or societal domination. The other times Scripture urges us to walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8; 1 John 1:7) is also within the context of ridding sin in our own lives – sexual immorality, pride, idolatry, etc.

What dominionists miss about the analogy of salt is that salt does not prevent meat from decaying, it only delays it. Yet, they use the analogy of the church being like salt to suggest that the church not only prevents the world from decaying, but actually reverses decay. This is a completely distorted usage of the analogy of salt. Meat will eventually spoil. And the only one who can and will reverse the decay of our fallen world is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will make things new on the earth AFTER He returns.

Christ’s words about the saints being salt and light in Matthew 5 comes right after His words about how blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, those who mourn, the peacemakers, and those persecuted for righteousness’ sake – all characteristics which run completely counter to the dominionist mindset, proving that Christians seeking dominion over society and culture was not what Christ meant by being salt and light. Christ says only the meek shall inherit the earth. Meekness means “mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit,” qualities which false light dominionist leaders lack. Ironically, they would have the dominion they so desperately seek if only they were willing to give up their personal ambitions and hope in this world.

People will likely retort that Stuckey is not a dominionist. But she’s speaking in the very same manner dominionists are (as the compilation clip clearly and explicitly demonstrates). And as I said, this came from her recent episode with Kirk Cameron. She’s also involved with Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, as well Glenn Beck, and other false light leaders. And I show near the end, she even refers to Christians “gaining ground,” which is another dominionist-type concept. Reconstructionists and 7 Mountain Mandate advocates will often refer to the Israelites conquering the promised land from pagans as an analogy for how the church needs to “rise up” and “take back ground” that’s been stolen by the enemy.

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