A Poem on Light and Love

1 year ago

From "The Voice of Babaji"

In Thee is hushed the sound of sense,
Away from the world, dark & dense.
Reign the peace, serene & calm,
All alone in Thee, the Spiritual balm.
The jewels of my heart dost Thou keep
In the mystic folds of silence deep.
The wild heart Thou teach'st Thy lore
And soothest the mine from yore
Thou art the key & mind the lock,
The portals of bliss to open & knock.
Deep, deep Thou art as deep can be
With unknown depth of the sea.
Broad, broader than the sky Thou art
Beyond body & mind, mint & mart.
Minute & hour, night & day,
All in Thee are brought to bay
In Thee is dimmed the logic's light,
Where truth doth triumph & mind not right.
The golden peace & and calm & splendor
Express nobly out when Thou dost thunder.
In Thy realm of bliss, simple & ease,
Sweet is the living wine of truth & peace.
Thou made me sit in heaven of my heart,
And never will I stir in the world to dart.
In Thee the hell & heaven die out to live
The life of life chalked out by old & new.
The charm of Thy soundless sound I feel
In all the deluded world doth deal.
Thy beauty sublime & mighty magic I know,
Beneath the scene of mortal weal & woe.
In the shrine of Thy heart I singly shine
With the note of freedom noble & fine.
Sing Thou the sacred & simple song of love
And bring to all the solace of life, here & now.
The seer, sight & seen are more three
In Thy triumph of truth, fearless & free.
Tumult of thought & tussle of towns,
All little life's ups & downs,
In Thee they dim & ever cease,
Where are found virgin purity & peace.
I live my life in Thee more & more,
Brimfully buried in Thy calm core,
Where infinite growth the soul doth prove
Into life of Light and Love, ever true.


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