Luong "Maxmode" Combo (The King of Fighters XV — Training)

1 year ago

MAXMODE → Forward Jumping C → Standing Close C → EX Kou (QCB•A+C) → EX Rin (QCB•B+D) → Geki "A" (QCF•A) → MAX Tou (QCF•QCF•B+D) → Ben (QCB•HCF•C+D)

So I've only been playing "XV" for a little while now, with the bulk of the significant play being "Story Mode" on stream; however, I've been spending a decent amount of time in training so as to get a better understanding of the mechanics (the last "KoF" I played was "XII!").
This is especially true for Luong, as I had never played as her before but she's a part of Blue Mary's "Team Secret Agent," and so far I've found her to be very easy. This was a bit of a thought experiment to see just how much damage I could deal …before learning you can do a *bit* more if you land a Standing Close Heavy Kick instead of a Standing Close Heavy Punch, and that's not taking into account an initial "counter" hit or landing it against a stunned opponent! (Regrettably, I've not yet been able to reach 900+ damage with her.)
Some important notes:
[1] You need to delay her Geki "A" ever so slightly, otherwise you risk missing the pop-up; likewise, you'll have to delay her MAX Tou, otherwise Luong can whiff the initial kick.
[2] Luong's EX Kou will send an opponent flying across the screen and bounce off the "wall" towards her; however, if Luong and her opponent are in the "corner," the opponent will bounce off the "wall" and fly over her head, so you'll have to IMMEDIATELY inverse the input of her EX Rin — "Quarter Circle Forward" instead of "Quarter Circle Backward" — as Luong will immediately turn around. Hence why I repeated the combo; remain aware of your positioning!
While I rarely Soul Charge in "SoulCalibur VI," I feel like I'll be utilizing "Maxmode" as often as I can (or just EX Special Moves in general) since the potential combos can deal more damage than a stand alone Super Special Move (you can even deal more damage than a Climactic Super Special Move for less meter!). Granted, THIS particular combo pretty much uses up your entire "Maxmode" meter (and I'm not just talking about the Climactic finish), so it's a case where you'll have to land it as soon as possible… again, it's more "theoretical" than "practical." XÞ Even without "Maxmode," though, you can follow-up Geki "A" with any of her Supers (although her MAX Tei will also require a slight delay). You can even cancel her Tou into her MAX Tei, but this situation it will require precise timing — otherwise Luong will dash right past her opponent.
(My only regret in all of this was having Luong run Mary into the wall instead of sauntering towards her. =3 That, and I've now got "Blue Mary's Blues" stuck in my head!)

#KingofFighters #Luong #Combo

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