October 14, 2022

2 years ago

10/14 Daily Energy Oracle Reading! Hathor~ Soul Family~ Destined Reunions. Support for Your Journey is Here.~
Beloved to ancient Egyptians for over 3,000 years, Hathor is a goddess of light, joy and gratitude. She was a guardian spirit of women and nourished the universe with her milk, including her son Ra. Her temples were full of dancing, music, and pleasure. Her symbols are the sun and moon, a lioness, a winged cow, a sycamore tree, and a rattle used at celebrations. Hathor presided over the Moon Temples: sacred gatherings that draw together ancient soul circles to receive divine downloads and worship the goddess.~
A magical time of reconnecting with your soul family has arrived! When you incarnate in this lifetime, your soul planned to reunite with its ancient lineage: kindred spirits that you knew in previous lifetimes both on Earth and in the cosmos. You don’t have to know how this will happen- it’s written in the stars that you’ll be brought together.
When you meet members of your soul family, it’s an instant and intuitive recognition of mutual understanding and emotional safety. You won’t need to analyze why you feel so seen and supported by them. It can be an unspoken knowing that brings relief from a previously solitary soul-guided path. Your soul family will always want you to shine brightly. They won’t be threatened by your expansion or successes. On the contrary, some of them will go out of their way to help you achieve your spiritual mission. This may be a time of re-initiation into the Moon Temples, where you’ll rediscover sacred teachings, engage in magical rituals and connect with lunar cycles.
Affirmation: “My soul family are arriving to lift me up. I’m never alone.” 💛✉️👁️🔮🕯️ #hathor #northeasttarot

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