Road Trip To Buy My First Car...Again! Bringing The SAAB Back In SAABKYLE04!

9 years ago

I recently bought another Saab, a 1995 900SE Convertible! A near clone to my first car, which was a 1997 model that I got in 2004, i.e. Saabkyle04! That '97 Saab was the car I learned to drive on when I had my driver's permit 'back in the day'. Hard to imagine that was around 11 years ago now! With the channel rapidly approaching 1 million subscribers, I wanted to take things back to the beginning, back to the car that spawned this channel's name. I will be featuring it in numerous Vlogs over the next 6 months. The plan is to upload the "In Depth Review" for my 1 million subscriber special video. My friend Chris and I embark on an epic road trip from North Carolina to Georgia and all the way down to Florida to pick up my "new" Saab! I bought the car, sight unseen, on ebay with nothing but pictures, reassurance and a fresh oil change. We immediately drove almost 1000 miles over two days and really put the car through it's paces. This video documents the entire road trip, including the good and the not-so-good! I hope you guys enjoy, this was certainly one of the most fun things I've ever done!

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FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHANNEL SEE BELOW: In this channel you will find in depth educational videos of automobiles from all over the world, presented in a more detailed fashion than ever before. This gives the viewer the chance to view the most detailed 1st person look you can get without seeing it in person. Every video is consistent in the way I present so viewers know what to expect. I treat every vehicle with the same respect regardless of the year and pricepoint. I film all types of vehicles from the past, present, and future while broadening the knowledge of the automotive enthusiast. You will see everything from vintage, brand new, exotic, mainstream, old, etc. I am very proud of this channel and have built it up from amateur videos years ago to what you see today. I wanted to share my love for the automotive world with the rest of the world. Be sure to explore the massive video variety, have fun and enjoy The Driver's Seat of YouTube!

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