Is debt A Sin? II Why Is the Bible Silent?

2 years ago

Believers today are divided when it comes to the issue of debt, some say that there are good debts and bad debts, others say that debt is a sin regardless of what kind of debt.

In this video, I address the question "Is debt a sin." the role of the church in helping to ensure that believers don't go looking for help in wrong places.

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#thesinofdebt #sin #borrowing #sinofborrowing #isborrowingasin? #theborrowerisslavetothelender #shouldchristiansborrowmoney #lendingmoney #moneylender #isdebtacurse #themeaningofwoe #Deuteronomy28 #proverbs22:7 #Ezekiel34:1-10 We love.

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