The Witchy Side Goldenrod

1 year ago



Let’s go on an adventure, either in your own backyard, or into the woods. To look for that beautiful tiny little yellow flower growing from long stalks of green. This would be Goldenrod, most people think of this as just a roadside weed, but as we discussed in the Medicinal Herbal series it is so much more.

Not only is this a great herb to make tinctures and salves with but also a great one to keep in your witchy stash to help with Money Spells or Divination work.

Onto the details:

Folk Names: Aaron’s Rod, Blue Mountain Tea, Goldruthe, Gonea Tea, Sweet Scented Goldenrod, Solidago, Verg d’ Or, Wound Weed, Woundwort
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Powers: Money, Divination
Goldenrod is used to bring money into one's life. Use this to enhance a spell for wealth or good fortune when going into that job interview you want to crush.
If Goldenrod suddenly pops up next to your door or close to your porch, good fortune is near.
You can burn goldenrod while doing divination work, or anoint an amulet with goldenrod oil. (Normally you will need to make this yourself, I have not seen any for sale, but it is super easy)
Collect Goldenrod preferably not directly from the street, but also ask permission if you see it on someone's property. Place it in a paper bag to get it home (it can have a crazy amount of gnats) once home you will want to wash it outside, then hang it upside down to dry in a new paper bag (the bag is really only for gnat control, dude I am serious, they love this stuff). Or you can pop it in a dehydrator or alcohol to make a tincture, any of these methods should keep the gnats out of the house.
Cover the dried herb with olive oil, and either set in the sun for 4 - 6 weeks, steep in a double boiler for roughly 1 - 2 hours or place the dried herb in the crock pot, cover with oil (make sure NOT to put on the lid) set to low for 1 - 4 hours keeping an eye on the oil. The longer it steeps in the oil the stronger the properties, however the times do have a limit you do not want to burn the herbs or the oil.

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