243 Hot Topics In RE: Small-Dollar Lending, Investing With Family & Friends, Raising Capital

1 year ago

Hot Topics In Real Estate: Small Dollar Lending, Investing With Family & Friends, Raising Capital

Visit our website: https://carolinahardmoney.com

Join Bill Fairman, Wendy Sweet, and Jonathan Davis LIVE! every Thursday at 12:00 PM ET for the Real Estate Investor Show - Hard Money For Real Estate Investors!

Carolina Capital Management Team’s theme this month: “How To Be A Smaller-Dollar Lender”, “Is Investing With Family And Friends A Good Idea”, and “How To Raise Capital”

Today, Bill Fairman and Jonathan Davis will discuss these hot topics, and to dwell further into this the team will invite guests who experienced these issues on hand.

What happened? How did they handle and survive the situation?

In any arena of the real estate business whether it is on the lending, acquisition, or raising a capital side you don't look at how much you can make or how much will you should pay.

You look at the problem or at the cause of the problem that needs attention to find a better solution.

0:01 - Introduction: Small Dollar Lending, Investing With Family & Friends, Raising Capital
1:07 - https://www.CarolinaHardMoney.com
1:25 - Wednesday with Wendy: https://meetings.hubspot.com/wendy166/wednesdays-with-wendy
2:18 - Breaking News
2:43 - New CPI Numbers Came Out at 8.2%!
7:57 - Negative Absorption Rates In Multi-Family Properties
11:50 - Small Dollar Lending, Investing With Family & Friends, Raising Capital
12:54 - The 2nd Quarter of 2022 Has The Smallest Percentage But The Highest Profit Of Fix And Flip
15:01 - How To Be A Smaller-Dollar Lender
20:22 - Investing With Family & Friends
22:59 - Raising Capital
30:37 - Carolina Capital Management Fund & Loan Programs - https://www.CarolinaHardMoney.com
30:51 - Join Wendy Sweet at https://www.WizeWomenExpo.com on 2022 Wize Women Expo on Oct 14th & 15th

Listen to our Podcast: https://thealternativeinvestor.libsyn.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYzCFOvEt2n9TchgECLwpww/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarolinaHardMoney/


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