Special Counsel Durham Detonates Surprise On Hillary,FBI—Blows Entire 'Trump Dossier' Case Wide Open

1 year ago

Sworn testimony in the trial of a Russian operative said to be the primary source behind former British spy Christopher Steele’s “dossier” on then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump was laced with a bombshell revelation.

Under questioning from special counsel John Durham in the trial of Igor Danchenko, FBI analyst Brian Auten testified that the bureau offered Steele $1 million if he could provide evidence that the explosive claims against Trump contained in the dossier were true, but the former MI6 spy could not do so, the Daily Wire reported on Tuesday.

Auten testified that he and a group of FBI agents met with Steele in October 2021, years after he presented his dossier to handlers, and offered him the million-dollar stipend if he could provide factual evidence backing up the salacious allegations contained in the dossier, according to Fox News. The offer came years after Director James Comey’s FBI used the dossier to obtain warrants from the FISA court to spy on a member of Trump’s 2016 campaign.

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