Hero Lawyer Sticks Up for Canadians! Emergency Act Public Inquiry Hearings

1 year ago

#freedomconvoy2022 #emergenciesact #publicinquiry
Hero Lawyer Keith Wilson defends Canadians! In an interview just prior to the Public hearings of the Public Order Emergency Commission (Day 1), listen as a hero lawyer sticks up for Canada and freedom!
This interview aired on CPAC - you can see the joyful spirit of the freedom trucker's convoy across Canada in additional montage footage. The Emergencies Act Inquiry will be ongoing every day for the next few weeks (CPAC, several live streams). Today was the first day.
Many thanks:
"Jesus Loves Me" song by scripture songs (Robert Evans)
freedom convoy footage from several YouTubers (Hakuna Matata, Eagle Vision, Marcel Irnie, GTA Tours, Joyce Chu, Miss J, Steady Delta, Nature Sounds and Songs, Delmar Penner, Tireroaster's Garage, NewRoad Adventure, The Positive Club, Guillaime Désilets, Jean-Francois Girard ...) #keithwilson
Thank you! God bless!

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