JUAN O SAVIN intel with Tom Numbers 12th Oct sidebar of decodes by Austere Scholar

2 years ago

Prince William is the thousandth knight of the round table 570

He has connection to all 13 bloodlines

Pipeline 86
Game over 86
Warning 86
Here we go 86
Il donaldo 86
Come get me 86
’Not in months but in weeks’

It is done 95
They failed 95
America is back 95
Green frog 95
Castle clean 95
Cool Donald 95
Clark kent 95
Tell them 95
The enemy 95
It’s time 95

airport evacuations 227
It had to be done this way 227
The return of christ 227
Be true to yourself 227
Directed by a higher power 227
Close to the finish line 227
Finish this play 175
A storm is coming 175
I know the month 175
It’s almost time 175
Unintended consequences 250
October twenty ninth 250
Nyc save our beloved nyc 250
Rising up from the ashes 250
Signs hidden in plain sight 250
Follow me down a rabbit hole 250

Hunter Biden’s laptop 219
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum 219
The trump loophole 219
Biblical the great awakening 219

John mcafee faked his death 181
Gematria reveals all 181
Jf Kennedy Jr 181
Jesus at the wheel 181
Adios fake president 181
Excellent job acting 181
State of emergency 181
Justin beiber 134
King Charles iii 134
Vesica piscis 134
This is America 134
Information 134

Illusion 111
New York 111
Perfection 111
The start 111
Road to change 111
End of all ends 111
We are all one 111
Nov second 111
Perfect balance 111

American Eagle 94

Ultra MAGA 94
Good guy 94
Fulcrum 94
John time 94

Huge comeback 94
Jubilee day 94
November 94
Ace of spades 94
John John 94

On the wings of eagles 204
Leaving a footprint 204
Let justice be served 204
Two hundred four 204
A light in the darkness 204
Trump second term 204
The event horizon 204
Book of revelations 204
The king is alive 204
The final countdown 204
God’s mighty power 204

Its not over yet 207
The storm is coming 207
The eye of the storm 207
A trump presidency 207
Stay alert my son 207
Energy and frequency 207

Thousandth knight of the round table 365
Everything is going according to plan 365
And the king shall do according to his will 365

Prince William

All 13 bloodlines 145
The king of America 145
Amazing gematria 145
The armor of god 145
Clock is ticking 145
Glory be to god 145

God puts on human flesh 238
Peace through strength 238
Stake through the heart 238
Soon to be seen by sight 238
Scare event necessary Q 238
Divine consciousness 238
I am the light of the world 238
Sound the trumpets 238
Patriots in control 238
Trump’s the chosen one 238
We shall be victorious 238

God himself will save mankind 267
Speed up the earth’s rotation 302
The Holy Spirit is with him 302

https://t.me/JenniferMac/151 🎨🎺🐃

@PSYCH CLUB - Tom Sidney Bushnell aka NUMBERS

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