PARASITES - /ˈperəˌsīt/ - GION + @Nunteus

2 years ago

an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

A parasite cannot survive without a host. Spiritual parasites are able to latch themselves on to you based on the state of being you are in. So what do parasites naturally do to anything they attach to? They feed and feed and feed on their essence until their host is no longer a viable source. Their nature is to drain their host completely dry, or else die themselves.

Understanding cravings and their spiritual connection will help you become more spiritually inclined. Awareness of the I’ve gotta have it sensation will give you a head start in defending yourself against parasitic entities. Spiritual parasites or from a religious context, “demons” feed on lusts, depression, anxiety, and other low vibrational energy signatures— it’s their life source. Take note of the types of foods, music, and the environment you tend to enjoy when you’re in a low vibrational state or your body is imbalanced. You tend to express the type of spirit you embody when you carry out your day to day activities. Once a spiritual parasite attaches itself to you, it does as any other parasite does, it release a numbing agent that conceals its bite and suckling; this way it can go undetected and feed off of you in peace. So what exactly does this mean? The “numbing agent” can be anything to distract you from what is actually going on. Anything that keeps you from discovering the true intentions of your relationship. Their motives are hidden deep in deception. This is when they possess the most power. Remember, in most cases, the person who has been possessed by a parasitic entity may not even be aware that they are serving as a host and carrying out parasitic energy signatures.


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