How to Speed Up Your Metabolism: 9 Easy Ways Backed by Science

1 year ago

Did you know that we each have two types of fat? One is beneficial, while the other is harmful. These two primary types of fat cells are called brown and white.

Brown fat cells are primarily found in newborns and leaner individuals. These cells are rich in energy-making mitochondria and contain an ample amount of iron, giving them a reddish-brown color. They are also rich in thermogenic proteins that provide heat, insulation, metabolism, and energy to the body.1,5,6 Brown fat cells contain small lipid droplets that burn glucose and white fat cells as fuel. The big difference between brown and white fat cells is that brown fat cells burn energy, rather than store it.

White fat cells are more common, abundant in adults and overweight/obese individuals. The more white fat cells a person has, the slower their metabolism will be. White fat cells are storage sites for extra calories in the form of large lipid droplets.

Thin people burn fat more efficiently due to higher levels of regular body fat. In contrast, obese people burn fat less efficiently over the same period due to lower brown fat levels.

Weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight can be made more accessible with the help of brown fat cells, which burn calories more efficiently than normal fat cells, in a non-stop manner, reducing the number of calories that remain and turn into white fat. Exipure's weight loss formula relies on this as its foundation.

Exipure, is the only diet supplement globally with eight exotic plants and nutrients that target the BAT levels in the body, thus solving the problem of uncontrolled weight gain.

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