A Biblical Greek Translation of Hebrews 9:26 that Changes Everything We Thought We Knew About Jesus

1 year ago

This is a new earthshaking translation of Hebrews 9:26 which demonstrates that Jesus’ sacrifice and death will occur at the end of the world. In other words, it never happened 2,000 years ago. This study changes everything we thought we knew about Jesus! It’s a demonstrable, earthshaking revelation about Jesus Christ that Greek scholars have totally missed! In the video, I parse Hebrews 9:26 in Greek and then translate it using scholarly dictionaries & lexicons. This is an academic study of the Bible that uses cross-references & other sources to support its conclusions. It will blow your mind! This earthshaking video proves that Jesus didn’t exist in history, but will appear & die in the last days! Evidence from the New Testament, the Old Testament, concordance studies, the Septuagint (LXX), & the church fathers demonstrate that Jesus’ one & only visitation will occur at the end of days. That’s why this video is a biblical & theological bombshell! I’m the host & narrator (Eli Kittim), & I’m a Bible scholar & a native Greek speaker, fluent in Koine Greek. I use the modern pronunciation. I first explain Hebrews 9:26 thoroughly & then demonstrate how the phrase “the end of the age” (epi synteleia ton aionon) is constantly found in New Testament parallel passages & verbal agreements in the context of the endtimes. I then demonstrate that the same holds true in the koine Greek of the Septuagint (the Greek Old Testament). The Septuagint (LXX) also uses the exact same expression at Daniel 12.4 as the one found in Hebrews 9:26 to mean “the time of the end.” The church fathers also use the exact same Greek phrase (εν τη συντελεία του κόσμου) to indicate the time period when the Son of God will come to judge the living and the dead. So, the phrase in Hebrews 9:26 is always used consistently in the Bible to refer to judgment day, the endtimes, the harvest, & the end of the age. I then explore other passages in the Greek New Testament that support this same eschatological view of Jesus. For example, Galatians chapter 4 & verse 4 tells us that Christ will be born when time reaches its completion, expressed as “the fullness of time” (τό πλήρωμα του χρόνου). And Galatians 4:4 is defined internally by the Bible itself through Ephesians 1.9-10. Ephesians 1.9-10 defines “the fullness of time” as the consummation of the ages because it explicitly refers to the **summing up** of all things in Christ, things in heaven, & things on earth. Thus, according to Galatians 4:4, Christ will be born during the consummation of the ages! But this is no sleight of hand exegesis. I’m using strong academic evidence & scholarly sources to give my viewers an accurate translation & meaning of the text. This is a refreshingly balanced, unbiased, & well-sourced argument. This is precisely why it is accurate, well-supported, & compelling! This Rumble video demonstrates that the eschatological position regarding Christ’s one & only coming is multiply-attested. The Biblical evidence is robust & overwhelming! It forces us to reconsider our theological interpretations of Jesus Christ. Even the most extreme critics would agree with the endtimes **context** of Hebrews 9.26 since it appears again & again in concordance studies in the context of the “harvest” & “judgment day.” Therefore, it is virtually indisputable that the context of Hebrews 9:26 is in the endtimes, not in the time of antiquity. This conclusion cannot be challenged because all the evidence points to Christ’s initial appearance, sacrifice, & death in the end of the world. This can be demonstrated from cross-reference studies. For example, Matthew 13:39-40 employs the same Greek phrase from Hebrews 9.26 to refer to the endtimes. Matthew 13:49 also uses the exact same expression to refer to judgment day. Similarly, Matthew 24:3 uses the exact same locution as in Hebrews 9:26 to refer to the end of the world. Moreover, Matthew 28:20 employs the same phrase used in Hebrews 9:26 to signify the consummation of the ages! What is more, the scholarly dictionaries & lexicons——such as GWH Lampe, “A Patristic Greek Lexicon,” & the “exegetical dictionary of the New Testament” (aka EDNT)——agree with my translations of συντελεία (synteleia)! And since the verse in Hebrews 9:26 is categorically & unequivocally eschatological, it warrants such a conclusion. Thus, this video is mind-blowing. It changes everything we thought we knew about Jesus!

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