BATTLETECH #Shorts - Fafnir, to Protect Lyrans' Glittering Gold

1 year ago

If you guys allow me to go in a little tangent here, parallels can be drawn between Fáfnir and Smaug from "The Hobbit". The exchange between Bilbo and Smaug nearly mirrors Fáfnir's and Sigurd's. The main difference is that Sigurd's conversation occurs after the death blow has been struck. The dragon Glaurung, the first dragon in Middle Earth, who is slain by Turin, has many similarities as well. In Tolkien's "The Book of Lost Tales", Glaurung is described as a flightless dragon that hoards gold, breathes poison, and has "Great cunning and wisdom". In Tolkien's book "The Children of Húrin", he is slain by Turin from below much like Fáfnir. Turin and Glaurung also have an exchange after the mortal blow is dealt. Fafnir's downfall due to obsessive greed is also mirrored in the character Gollum. Both were driven to murder out of lust for treasure (in both cases, a magical ring) and fled into exile to hoard it. As with Fáfnir, that which Gollum so coveted proved to be his curse. Both characters are seen devolving into wicked creatures, living only to guard the treasures that have consumed their minds, until that which is so precious to them finally leads to their own destruction.

Maybe a little slower? Subtitles perhaps? Or just a 16:9 format? Link below!

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