2 years ago

In 2020 there were plenty of scientist (experts in the field), frontline doctors, influencers, independent journalists and citizens who were questioning the federal government’s decisions regarding the necessity and efficacy of the protocols they were putting into place. And not just putting into place, but unconstitutionally mandating their edicts be followed under threat of reprisal with no random control trials attesting to the validity of the science they were bullying everyone into following (that’s actually not science at all by the way). On top of that, under the advocacy of President Trump himself, we were offered a solution from one of the most corrupt corporations in US history - Pfizer. We were told this miracle elixir would grant us immunity from catching and therefore transmitting this novel disease in excess of 90% efficacy no less. There were plenty of experts and citizens alike who again questioned this as well and wouldn’t you know it, they were censored and/or de-platformed. I know this firsthand as YouTube sent my platform to the chopping block. They claimed I repeatedly violated their ‘medical misinformation’ policy to which I would always ask, “okay but was what I said factually incorrect?” To which they always failed to offer a response let alone as answer. Now, as of October 2022, we have a top Pfizer exec admit, with a chuckle, that they never tested their elixir’s ability to offer immunization. She then attempted to paint Pfizer as the good guy who was in a tough situation where lives were on the line (for a disease with less than a 1% fatality rate). This tactic would have more credibility if, 1) she hadn’t just admitted to misleading the American people, and 2) Pfizer hadn’t raked in record billion dollar profits on the back of said lie. This is the part where saying, “I told you so” would be like visiting a cathartic wonderland where all of the people that unfriended me and called me a conspiracy theorist would be forced to eat crow until the sun went down, but I don’t care about that. My question to all of you is, “now that you know, from the horses mouth that you’ve been swindled, what are you going to do about it?”


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