Spinoza Part 6

1 year ago

From Ethic: pages 192 to 264
Quotes from Baruch Spinoza:
"That which gives a knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God is common to all."
"The human mind possesses an adequate knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God."
"The infinite essence and the eternity of God are known to all."

pg 203: "...we do everything by the will of God alone, and () we are partakers of the divine nature in proportion as our actions become more and more perfect and we more and more understand God."\

"This doctrine contributes to the welfare of our social existence, since it teaches us to hate no one, to despise no one, to mock no one, to be angry with no one, and to envy no one."

pg 211: "There is nothing which men have less power over than the tongue, and that there is nothing which they are less able to do than to govern their appetites..."

"vacillation of the mind"

"Every one endeavours as much as possible to make others love what he loves, and to hate what he hates."
"Each person by nature desires that other persons should live according to his way of thinking..."
pg 250:
"We like to tell tales about the dangers we have escaped...and this idea of freedom again makes us fearless..."
pg 257:
"The effort or power of the mind is the essence of the mind itself..."
pg 258:
"It appears, that men are by nature inclined to hatred and envy..."

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