Windsor Yards Vaccine Centre Closed 11-10-2022.

1 year ago

Windsor Yards Vaccine Centre Closed 11-10-2022. My full edited video from inside the jab centre.

I believe that as a result of evidence being presented to vaccine staff and the police, the vaccine centre is now only giving jabs to the over 75's. See here

Mark Sexton, Steve Forsyth and Mikey P all upstanding, peaceful, lawful ex forces/police were arrested and then released on bail pending further enquiries for ‘aggravated trespass’ on Public Property whilst trying to close the vaccine centre.
God bless these brave men and women for standing up for humanity and setting an example 🙏

Mark Sexton would like to personally thank all of those who travelled to Windsor from all over England and Wales on Tuesday. To stand shoulder to shoulder and fight these evil crimes against our men, women and children. You are all heroes and you have my utmost respect and appreciation. 🙏🏻❤️

All the info needed to inform NHS, Police and anyone else complicit in the crimes is on our channel

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