How can I meet other multifamily investors to network with?

1 year ago

Good question.

One of the best ways to meet other multifamily investors to network with is to attend the Sunday meetings of Benjamin Z Miller’s investor networking group.

This group I created for new and experienced investors to network. Once you attend one of the meetings you will receive a Google Sheets document with the phone and email of the other investors that attended.

From there you can reach out to numerous multifamily investors. I also am good friends with some of the best well known multifamily investors so if you need an introduction to a particular investor in some cases I can help you.

Before you do any investing you should invest more time and money in your financial and legal education. I offer education and training to landlords, engineers, doctors and dentists, and many others that would like to learn how to enjoy the benefits of multifamily as quickly as possible. If that sounds interesting contact my office by going to and fill out the contact form.

You also can register at at the link below:

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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