Lots of Complaining about Student Loan Relief

2 years ago

Booooo hoooo to you bitches that are whining about Student Loan debt relief, fyi Trump explored this too.

If it was Trump that did this you wouldn't be complaining.

This party line shit has to stop, many of you had no issue sending Millions and Billions to Ukraine, and many of you were happy with COVID checks.

The Government is willing to hire 86,000 plus agents to find ways to take our money.

So when the government gives us a break shut up and take it.

Fyi these college loans have been paid for by the government a long time ago and already part of our nations debt, you have been paying for them already so quit whining about it.

Now they need to get rid of the interest rates attached to the loans so people can actually start paying on the principal of the loans.

Fyi I still won't be voting for Biden, but I implore Kamala to go after the Kaplan College loans that were high and never tried to help their students get jobs. They should cancel these. I may have took loans for college but I feel the system frauded me.

The White House: FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Student Loan Relief for Borrowers Who Need It Most.



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