Franky Müller: 'TZM simplified' [Lecture@Zeitgeist-Day Main Event 2015 Berlin/Germany | The Zeitgeist Movement]

1 year ago

Franky Müller "TZM simplified" | ZDay 2015 Berlin Germany [ The Zeitgeist Movement ]


Franky Müller describes The Zeitgeist Movement [TZM] in a simplified manner. A breakdown of the core, specific principles of TZM's proposals in a way everyone should understand. The talk was held at the 7th Annual Zeitgeist Day [ZDay] in Berlin, Germany, March 14th 2015.

Thanks to: Zeitgeist Media Project Germany for recording and cutting this lecture
Special thanks to: Jack Jones Media Production

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Franky Müller is an projectmanager, educator and social-conscious activist. He began devoting more and more energy to social and enviromental causes and their solutions in summer 2009. In the context of advocating for positive change he particularly speaks out on the importance of education regarding the processes of nature and sociological aspects, hence human behaviour. He has authored several content related to TZM in his country and coordinates the LinguisticTeam Germany which is part of the LinguisticTeam International. Beside participating in many other educational projects he has organized several events for The Zeitgeist Movement during his volounteering to coordinate both TZM Chapter Germany and TZM Chapter Frankfurt, where he lives.

Recognized as the largest grassroots social movement in the world with official chapters in over 60 countries, The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) announces its 7th annual “Zeitgeist Day”.

Also known as “ZDay” for short, this global awareness campaign features a main event with prominent Movement speakers and guests from all over the world, while working in solidarity with hundreds of other parallel events occurring during the same day and/or weekend. The gesture is one of global unity towards social betterment and a more humane society.

Prior main events have been documented by news agencies, including the New York Times and Huffington Post in America, with attendees and members coming from all around the world to discuss the state of society and how to improve it in a real way.
Contrary to most conferences of this nature, TZM does not see needed social changes coming from the political or economic establishment. It sees it coming from the public itself through grassroots reform since TZM views the core problems in the world as actually originating from the very foundation of the eco-politico establishment to begin with.

The problem is the system itself, in the view of The Movement.

The 2015 main event was held in Berlin, Germany at the FORUM Factory on March 14th, 2015,
15:00 - 20:00 CET. The 2015 symposium was titled “The Time Is Now” and will address the growing severity of emerging social destabilization, war, income inequality, slavery, dramatic environmental failures and, in short, overall public health and societal crises playing out on the Earth’s stage today.

Zday Global:

The Zeitgeist Movement is a global sustainability activist group working to bring the world together for the common goal of species sustainability before it is too late. Divisive notions such as nations, governments, races, political parties, religions, creeds or class are non-operational distinctions in the view of The Movement. Rather, we recognize the world as one system and the human species as a singular unit, sharing a common habitat.

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