RT News - October 13th 2022

1 year ago

Amid ongoing exchanges of fire between Russia and Ukraine, multiple blasts are heard overhead in the Russian city of Belgorod, as local authorities confirm the interception of an incoming Ukrainian rocket attack by its air defences.

Two civilians in Gorlovka have been killed by Kiev shelling

In Kherson civilian only areas, 12 US supplied himars were intercepted/shot down. Another village near Kherson is under constant shelling.

A newly-published revelation from The Grayzone media outlet claims to uncover the UK plotting an attack on the Crimean bridge months ahead of the October attack. We learn more about the plan from the project's investigative journalist.

As the UN General Assembly adopts a resolution to condemn Moscow for the recent referendums in the former Ukrainian territories, the Russian envoy blasts the procedure, exposing Western blackmail.

In Palestine, one civilian is killed and two injured in violent clashes.

INTEL, US's largest chip manufacturer, plans to lay of 20% of it's staff.

Feature: The Sixth Summit of CICA is underway in Kazakhstan.

Russia's plan to hit key infrastructure as retaliation for the Kerch Bridge attack is seen as weakness by New York Times, because (as always) Russia does not target civilian areas (thus keeping any death toll to minimum).*

There have been revelations on the testing of Pfizer COVID19 vaccinations.

Elon Musk's pictures are being taken down in western Ukraine. A "political scientist" Ian Bremner made claims that he knew of a conversation between Mr. Musk and Pres. Putin which discussed peace proposals (QueenStreet comment - what's wrong with that anyway?) but Mr. Musk said the conversation was about space.


* Ukraine damage report via RT website (I can't post images, sorry)

13 Oct, 2022 07:31 HomeRussia & FSU

Russia charts damage caused by missile strikes against Ukraine

Only three regions of the country were unaffected by the missile barrages on Monday and Tuesday, according to a map.

Russia’s State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has shared a map, revealing the scale of Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian military targets and infrastructure earlier this week.

Moscow’s “response to terrorist acts by the Kiev regime” saw 70 facilities of Ukrainian energy infrastructure hit, which resulted in the country losing 50% of its generating capacity, Volodin wrote on Telegram on Thursday.

The map of the strikes which he published, shows that only three Ukrainian regions – Chernigov in the north, and Volyn and Transcarpathia in the west – were unaffected by the strikes.

“If the terrorist attacks continue, the response will be even harsher,” the speaker of the lower house of Russia’s parliament warned.

All the organizers of Ukrainian attacks must be found, and “those who resist will be destroyed,” Volodin added.

Russian forces fired dozens of missiles at targets in Ukraine on Monday and Tuesday, calling it retaliation for sabotage plots by Kiev, targeting crucial Russian facilities, including the Kursk nuclear power plant, the TurkStream gas pipeline and the Crimean Bridge.

In the wake of Saturday’s truck bombing of the key bridge connecting Crimea to the rest of the Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Kiev’s “terrorist tactics” can no longer go unanswered.

Several parts of Ukraine, including its capital Kiev, reported power outages and other problems with utilities after the Russian bombardment. The national power grid operator Ukrenergo was forced to ask consumers to switch devices off during evening peak hours, and ordered rolling blackouts in some areas to reduce the load.

On Wednesday, Ukraine’s energy minister German Galushchenko told CNN that about 30% of the country’s energy infrastructure had been damaged after two consecutive days of Russian strikes.

via RT https://www.rt.com/russia/564577-ukraine-strikes-energy-volodin/

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