2 Cops 1 Donut ep076 Homicide Sgt Robert Walsh Mentors Boys to Men: Nex Metropolitan

1 year ago

In this episode, I talk with Homicide SGT. Robert Walsh on community policing in a new way. Walsh talks about how he is mentoring struggling youths from pre-teen to 21 years of age to become men.
From learning to wear a suit to offering up shoes and hoodies! The conversations that are had during these events point out how police view teens in hoodies vs how teens see each other in hoodies.
The goal is for both sides to learn the culture of each other's world and gain perspective; bridging that gap in a new way. This was one of my favorite conversations so far. Be sure to check out NEX Metropolitan and get involved.

#wegoNex #bridgingthegap #communitypolicing

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