Authentic? Shadow People Evidence

1 year ago

I watched this movie last night called - A Haunting on Dice Road: the Hell House. I’d never heard of this documentary and was shocked to see it was released in 2016. A little late to the party, this documentary had a ton of captures. It’s stated in the plot summary I was reading that it was an entire year of investigation. If you’re into Ghost Adventures, or any kind of paranormal show out there and have not seen this movie, I recommend you go searching for it.

First Clip - The Ouija Board Clip - this clip shows the main investigator using a ouija board alone. I checked for a string and didn’t see any. Although this kind of stuff may be faked in other ways, perhaps this is an authentic documentation of something entirely possible and reported by many.

Second Clip - The Wind Mist - this clip shows some papers moving, followed by the EMF going off, followed by a mist, having a large mass, turning into a smaller mass and seemingly moving away. This one, if it’s fake and cgi, is hella good - if this isn’t cgi, this is cray cray

Third Clip - Weird Window Guy - It doesn’t really come out too well - is this energy manifesting?

Fourth Clip - Tree Peaker - I mean this could be something, or it could be someone you know what I mean Vern?

Fifth Clip - Barn Incident - In this clip, earlier in the documentary, they were investigating this barn location where they heard footsteps above them. The main investigator didn’t want to go up because of structural integrity - can’t say I blame him, and they had a camera on the outside of the building filming. They managed to catch this clip. I thought this was pretty spectacular evidence once again but after further review using a method I call scrubbing a video, which simply means going back and forth through the frames - I noticed a shadow in-front of the being. Meaning that it’s a physical something. Is this a being manifesting into physical reality being capture or some hoaxer messing with them?

These are the few things I noticed while reviewing the footage further. I’m on the fence of whether this is a real investigation, or something in which a bunch of people decided they would all stage and hoax and dox a bunch of believers by offering up some very compelling story lines. However, I was able to find a post to a group on Facebook, from a person who was confirming this road is super haunted in itself, and that those in this documentary are not leading you astray with their testimonials.

These captures definitely don’t do this documentary justice. If you wish to watch them in a negative version, including showing you a screen recording of the scrubbing, showing what I believe is a shadow being cast by the being - human or otherwise, you can click on this link:

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