When All Your Hydras Come Home To Roost

1 year ago

I get the feeling that the SCOTUS has come to understand that they are not another arm of either party. Leading up to the 2020 election numerous laws were changed illegally. SCOTUS in my opinion failed because like many they were caught up in the mass formation psychosis like so many others. But that’s gone now and it’s back to Constitution time.

Like everyone else they are waking to what has actually transpired. We will see how much they’ve really learned as time passes. We will also learn how much we have learned over time. The insanity that erupted from every corner of our undrained sewers rattled all of us even the ones who were sleeping as Trump was plotted against at every turn reminds me of something from Macbeth. It is how life has felt for far too long because of them.


Survival gardening

Geoff Lawton This guy is all about permaculture.

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