BRAVE TRUTH: Exposing the Shocking Facts They Tried to Bury (Episode 1)

1 year ago

Sept 27, 2022

Everyone NEEDS to know this because medical doctors still have no clue whatsoever about what’s really going on, and the few who do are hiding it!

But our world-renowned experts Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Dr. Jim Meehan, Dr. Jack Wolfson and Dr. Brian Hooker INSIST on telling the public the vital information you can use to regain your health 100% without relying on Big Pharma.

We begin with inspirational healing stories from three of our top doctors and then dive deep to bring you the TRUTH.

We begin with Dr. Bryan Ardis who exposes an African study funded by Anthony Fauci where Remdesivir had a staggering 53% mortality rate. And yet Fauci lied that the drug was safe and effective.

During this episode, Dr. Ardis shares shocking insight into how extremely deadly protocols was used to push the population control agenda, by medically murdering millions of Americans.

Dr. Ardis also explains in very simple terms how he used nicotine gum treatment to completely rid his wife of all her C0V!D symptoms. Her sense of taste and smell that she’d lost for two years returned on the third day of the treatment! And her two-decade long tinnitus problem vanished as well!

In this episode, Dr. Levy shares why he believes there is more politics in medicine than in national politics! He also gives details about vital supplements and minerals we should be taking to boost our immune system, and prime it against C0V!D and spike protein shedding.

Dr. Jim Meehan started his segment by expressing his shock when he woke up to realize that our government approved a vaccine that doesn’t work in adults for children that are at statistically zero risk of dying from C0V!D.

He also reveals a Pfizer study that found that 32% of the vaccinated children became infected and were also harmed by the vaccine compared to the unvaccinated children. Yet they manipulated the study to “conclude” that the vaccine would be 80% effective with second and third booster doses.

“As I watched that committee meeting for the FDA and they approved it for children, I wanted to throw a brick through my monitor, because I just, I couldn't understand how our own FDA would approve that vaccine for children when the data wasn't there. It's like watching a crime being perpetrated, and you can't do anything about it. And the people that are supposed to be protecting us are participating in the crime.”

And he says we’ve not seen the worst yet.

Dr. Levy also explains how unresolved post-C0V!D and post-vaccination syndromes invariably lead to blood clotting, which is usually fatal.

Next you’ll hear from Dr. Wolfson, a board certified cardiologist and chief cardiology fellow in Chicago. He was voted by his peers as one of Phoenix Arizona’s top doctors in 2011. He starts by unraveling the “profitable drama” between FDA, Big Pharma and the global government and how they plan to keep us sick with their poisons and drugs, while shamelessly filling their pockets with blood-stained cash.

He also told the story about how his dad was dying from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) which is similar to Parkinson’s and Mayo Clinic told him that there was nothing they could do for him. Yet his wife, a doctor of chiropractic, diagnosed and treated his father’s Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) which is similar to Parkinson’s.

Dr. Jack quickly started his own practice and in this episode he also explains his famous “eat well, live well, think well” tenets for protecting yourself in the 21st century toxic world. You’ll also get his list of the healthiest foods you must eat to support your heart health.

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