Hebrews 13:15-16 Your Words of Thanks Are the Calves of Your Lips

2 years ago

Hebrews 13:15-16 are instructions on how to offer sacrifices to God. It comes through the words of our lips giving thanks to His Name. This is a direct quote from Hosea 14:2 where the original Hebrews calls the the word "fruit" the "bullcalves" of our lips. The Septuagaint version re defined the Hebrew word as "fruit", but the original Hebrews word is literally "bull calves".

In the New Covenant, we don't offer dead animals to God. Jesus fulfilled the old sacrificial system of continually offering animal sacrifices for our sins. Jesus was the final sacrifice.

There were five types of offerings in Leviticus: 1) The whole burnt offering, 2) the meal/grain offering 3) the sin offering 4) the trespass offering 5) the thank/peace/fellowship offering. Five is the number of grace. The only offering left is the fifth offering where we continually give thanks for the fact that Jesus fulfilled the first four offerings.

@#1 He was the whole burnt offering Leviticus 1, where Jesus was burned up and consumed by the fiery wrath of God. When the fiery judgment of God burned Jesus up, He also burned up all of our past, present, and future sins.

#2 Jesus was the grain/meal offering where he was the crushed with our sins, sicknesses and poverty. We feed on the crushing of Jesus.

#3. Jesus was also our sin offering where he was sacrificed for our sin nature. The sin offering was for the sin nature we inherited from Adam's rebellion. Jesus become sin for us, so we could now be the righteousness of God in Him 2 Corinthians 5:21. The sin offering was to pay for WHO we were.

#4 The fourth offering was the trespass offeing which cleanses us from the ACTS OF SIN. It took care of what we DO.

#4 The fifth and final offering is a thank offering, also called the peace or fellowship offering. This is the only offering we are to be involved with. We constantly offering thanksgiving to God with our lips for all that Jesus has done for us and for all that He has given us - Colossions 1:13.

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