#070 How Election Integrity Is A Battlefield Of Spiritual Warfare

2 years ago

Both in the Old and New Testament, we saw Abortion, Homosexuality, Adultery, Church Spending, Corruption, and every other issue addressed. These were all institutionally enshrined by the state run churches of the day, whether Israel, Judah, or Rome. The “High Places”, “Groves”, and “Male Prostitutes” of the Old Testament were enshrined by the Government run religious establishment. The fires of Molech are just as much abortive measures as a Planned Parenthood office. We are living in a Neo-Paganistic Culture, little different in effect to what Isaiah and Jeremiah lived through. God called His people to testify against these things. The rulers were required to do so as well. In America, We The People ARE the rulers. We have the incredibly unique position of living in a Representative Republic, where we send citizens to the capitols to make decisions on our behalf. These are not rulers, they are of the People.

Do you think that when we stand before God and we have to give an account, He will not ask us why we didn’t attempt to stop the polluting of children’s minds, or stop the murder of babies in and out of utero? God sure had a lot to say about Israel when they were worshiping Molech. The failure of Kings to remove the “High Places” was always a negative commentary. Do you think that our failure to stop Abortion or the pollution of our children from the pornographic drivel in the public education system won’t also bring about a negative commentary from God?

So how does that translate to “Election Integrity Is A Spiritual Battlefield”? What is the Enemy of Our Souls doing here? He wants to flood our world and nation with sin and remove the Light by quenching the body of believers. Look at what is happening in the Middle and Far East with the persecution of the saints. The Enemy of Our Souls wants to destroy us, or he can just render us ineffective, as he has in the West. Consider this: If the Church were to remain silent on the issues of abortion, child transitioning, and every other moral issue, how is the Church being Salt and Light? You may say that people will see your own life and believe from there. Maybe, but you sure don’t seem to believe that these things are wrong if you don’t vote accordingly. Also, if you don’t care about how the elections and subsequent policies turn out, may I suggest that you are not necessarily showing a forward thinking interest in your ability to share the Gospel freely, in addition to failing to take down the modern “High Places”.

To make things worse, those who have merely testified to the anomalies of 2020 are being pursued and investigated. Paypal is now claiming that they will fine you for “spreading disinformation”. Banks have frozen people’s accounts for even being at protests, like we saw in the trucker protest in Canada. If we do not stand up now, evil will have its way. These things may come, but in Christ’s words: “woe to him whom through these things come.” I would argue that this also applies to sins of omission. Ezekiel 33:6 speaks to this.

All of that to say, if you do not like where this country is going, voting is not enough. Getting others to the Polls is not enough. Frankly being active in the poll work is also not enough but critical. Being a part of the poll work is not hard. If we can send soldiers around the globe for 20 years to secure our freedom, can some of us not take a day or two off work to volunteer in the election process? (Most of these are paying jobs now anyway.) We need people at the ballot box, and at central count in your county. Election systems only work when there everyone is present at the count. Truethevote.com is an excellent resource. Their involvement with D’souza’s 2000 Mules has the so-called-fact-checkers scrambling to fight strawmen, I’m looking at you Reuters. Your local party office can also point you to the right resources to become a poll worker or poll watcher. When good people show up, evil cannot thrive.

But again, all of this is not enough. Showing up to the polls to vote and be part of election integrity, should only be a symptom of a soul on fire for Christ. Accept no substitute. As a Church, we must become alive and active. This is not a simple ask. Freedom is never free. We of all people should know this, considering our Saviour's sacrifice. Note that we are also called to sacrifice, even if it's one or two days of working the polls.






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