Look Like Jesus- How Do Sheep Bear Fruit?

2 years ago

Today’s Question: Wait, how do sheep bear fruit?

For some reason there is a question that has dogged me for a couple days....why does God compare us to trees? you shall know a tree/person by the fruit they bare...I’m pretty sure that’s how the verse goes. Yet all my life, I was taught we are sheep and God is our Shepherd. Which is not hard to understand. Because sheep are stupid, and compared to God, we’ve got rocks for brains....literally cause we were made from dirt. I can understand many things God compares us to, but a Tree bearing fruit is just that curveball I just can’t seem to hit.

I understand the good trees bare good fruit, rotten trees bare rotten fruit if any at all. And then there are weirdoes like me that bear vegetables. I say that because I see myself as stubborn, carefree, generous short tempered… and that’s just off the top of my head. So I would imagine my "Fruit" is something like that. There is only one food i know of that is anything like what I just described, so I hope for my sake, God likes chili peppers.

Jokes aside I’ve looked at trees in various cultures and though trees are sometimes mentioned, nothing not even the bible from what I read could tell me why God chose trees to compare us to. As I said sheep are more accurate, but that’s my opinion what does the bible say, and what does everyone else think?

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