1 year ago

2 Peter 3:8 King James Version
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA MY FRIENDS!!! What another absolutely crazy yet awesome day Ricky and I had today! we did our usual of going to the rescue to pick up supplies so we could go to Petco, where we met our latest patch of kitties that are up for adoption there. First we have dipstick, who's six years old, and very chill. Then we have a six-month-old orange female Kitty named Firefox and a wonderful little 7 month old female named Simba who are absolute bundles of joy, and absolute bundles of energy too! We then went to giant to pick up some essentials, and are now home where we're going to have dinner and enjoy the rest of our evening. Overall it was a really great day and I praise God for it.

You know, no matter how many times I read this Psalm, God always shows me just how precious time as well as life is. That while this life is very hard, there's joy in it yet too. That while trauma, heartbreak, and painful moments occur in life, that God brings joy, and peace in the midst of all of it, because He's the eternal, unconditionally loving God, who cares about me. It shows me in the midst of this, just how precious life is, and to never take it for granted, but reminds me that because I know him as my savior, life is truly beautiful! I think that's why these questions from this morning's devotional are not only challenging to me, but also encouraged my heart, to let me know that in the midst of everything I can still sing for joy in Him. Please read these questions carefully, and I pray that God will challenge and encourage your heart through them too.

What worries do you have about life and its limits?

I'd like to share some thoughts that God has put on my heart concerning this passage of scripture, as well as this morning’s Psalm, through this vlog tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, will encourage you to remember and act on the fact that with Jesus, time is definitely your friend. Come join me in this vlog and learn how to take joy in God's provision for you and use the days that God has given you with wisdom. 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional comment and I pray that what I've said tonight not only encourages, but also challenges you to treat every day that you are given as a gift from God, and never waste it.

How are you comforted by the presence of Jesus?

I also want to challenge no make that urge, anyone out there, who does not know Christ as their Savior, to make that decision to let Him into your heart TODAY!! Don’t put it off, because you think you have time, or because you think you don’t need Jesus, but let Him in TODAY!! Know that God truly LOVES you and that salvation is available for you!! He doesn’t care about your lifestyle, skin color, faith, ethnicity, what you’ve done, where you’re from, or anything about you, just that you let Him in your heart TODAY!! I invite you all RIGHT NOW, to call on His name today, seek His face, ask Him to forgive you of whatever sins you’ve committed, and He WILL forgive it. Just click on this link here, so that you can be redeemed!!



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