King Charles "military-style campaign" to marshal a "transition” in the name of climate change

1 year ago

King Charles "vast military-style campaign" is required to marshal a "fundamental economic transition” in the name of climate change

Climate Change can only be defeated with a "military-style campaign" and could "dwarf the impact of the coronavirus pandemic," Prince Charles says.

Britain's next king called for a new "Marshall-like plan," referencing $12 billion of funding injected into western Europe by the U.S. to rebuild after World War Two.

His pre-recorded words were the keynote address for the opening of Climate Week NYC in New York today, the only major summit on the issue scheduled this year.

The heir to the British throne said climate change "is now rapidly becoming a comprehensive catastrophe that will dwarf the impact of the pandemic.

"At this late stage I can see no other way forward but to call for a Marshall-like plan for nature, people and planet."

He added: "We must now put ourselves on a warlike footing, approaching our action from the perspective of a military-style campaign."

Prince Charles survived COVID-19 after becoming infected and displaying mild symptoms in March.

He recovered fully and revealed his battle had not only been with the disease but also with the loneliness of self-isolation.

At the time, he said: "Having recently gone through the process of contracting this coronavirus, luckily with relatively mild symptoms, I now find myself on the other side of the illness but still in no less a state of social distance and general isolation.

"As we are all learning, this is a strange, frustrating and often distressing experience, when the presence of family and friends is no longer possible and the normal structures of life are suddenly removed."

The Prince of Wales has campaigned on environmental issues for decades, speaking out about plastic pollution as early as 1970.

In January, he told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland: "We are in the midst of a crisis that is now, I hope, well understood.

"Global warming, climate change, the devastating loss of biodiversity are the greatest threats that humanity has ever faced and one largely of our own creation."

The prince's words came after his mother invoked the memory of World War Two in a stirring address to her nation in April, shortly after Britain entered lockdown.

Queen Elizabeth II told the country: "While we have faced challenges before, this one is different.

"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.

"We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.

"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again."

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